Traumatic Paraplegia
Modern Trends In Orthopaedics The history of broken spine with paralysis of limbs is bleak. There was no hope of reversing paralysis due to spinal cord injury. The hopelessness and helplessness experienced by patient and doctor until the present time has been expressed by the writer of the Edwin Smith surgical papyrus in 1700 BC […]
Occupational Hazards
Powerpoint Presentation: Occupational Hazards Dr. A. Malik has prepared a Powerpoint presentation entitled “Occupational Hazards”. To access this presentation, please click here (1,410kb). For a lighter PDF version, please click here Dr. Malik can be reached as follows: Dr. A. Malik MBBS, AFIH (Associate Fellow in Occupational Health) Medical Officer Chambal Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. P.O. Gadepan Dist. Kota, Rajasthan Pin 325 […]
Marketing of Hospitals in the Modern Era
India is witnessing an era where new hospitals are being built at a pace like never before. There are exciting challenges that these hospitals are facing while they are being commissioned. One daunting task that every hospital, new or old, small or big, is facing today is the task of marketing itself. I have spoken […]
Marketing Mantras – Conversion
I want to share with you a concept that I have used for some of my clients with success. Its called ‘conversion rate.’ This implies that there will always be some patients in the OPD who will get converted into admission/surgery when asked to. At the same time there will be others who will not get converted. […]
Voice Problems: An Occupational Hazard for Teachers
“Mrs. Usha Iyer will not be taking her classes today” says the notice board in the school lobby. “Laryngitis” – diagnoses the doctor which means she suffers from an inflammation of her vocal cords due to continued vocal abuse. Nothing serious. It’s just that she has temporarily lost the use of her voice as she […]
Treating Males with Female Voice: Puberphonia
What Separates the Men from the Boys is the Timber of their Voice! Amit Sharma is 20 years old and appears a very personable young man. He has just got his MBA degree and looks forward to a bright and rewarding career. There is only one dark cloud on his horizon. He speaks in a high-pitched ‘female’ […]
Therapeutic Effects of Light on Various Psychological Disorders and Physical Diseases
Objective: To assess the therapeutic affect of light on various diseases and disorders. Background: The importance of light for health and vitality was perhaps more obvious in ancient times than it is today. People living close to nature have an immediate appreciation of the sun, perhaps even worship it religiously, in a way that is lost […]
The Best Way to Beat Summer Heat
The period between mid-April and late June is considered as the time of summer in India. The wind becomes sharp, hot and dry due to its conjugation with the sun, resulting in the absorption and reduction of moisture and humidity on earth. Because of this atmospheric condition, summer is regarded as a debilitating season when […]
STD’s in Anorectum
The opening of anal canal called anus, functions as passage for expulsion of stool, sexual organ, peep into the colon by endoscope for diagnosing various diseases and intake orifice for treatment e.g. enemas, suppository. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be transmitted through anal sex and affect the anorectum. Anal sex is prevalent among men but […]
Statement of Specific Principles for Clinical Evaluation of Drugs/Vaccines/Devices/Diagnostics/Herbal Remedies etc.
The recent developments in frontier areas like genome mapping, genetic recombinant engineering, assisted reproductive biology, stem cell research, have opened up hither to unknown practical applications of these technologies. However, these exciting areas also raise some delicate and sensitive issues regarding ethics in Bio-medical research. Accordingly, as a sequel to the “Policy Statement on Ethical […]
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