What is mycosis fungoides?

What is mycosis fungoides?

Mycosis Fungoides

It is an uncommon form of lymphoma that initially manifests itself in the skin – considered an epidermotropic variant of a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) that accounts for 50% of primary cutaneous lymphomas.

Clinical features Mycosis Fungoides tends to affects 40-60 yr olds; male to female ratio = 2:1. Particularly affects covered sites eg breasts.

Mycosis Fungoides has 3 clinical stages : 1. Patch stage with erythematous macules on trunk and extremities 2. Plaque stage – elevated scaly pink/red/brown plaques, often pruritic 3. Tumour stage – dome-shaped firm tumours on face, scalp and body folds Density of lymphoid infiltrate increased through each stage. LN and visceral organ involvement occurs later.

Pathology Neoplastic cells are T-helper CD4 cells and memory T-cells. These form a band-like infiltrate in the upper dermis and infiltrate the epidermis -> aggregates called Pautrier’s microabscesses.

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