Bharat Ratna Dr BC Roy

Bharat Ratna Dr BC Roy

July is month of great pride and honour to all Allopathic Doctors, especially IMA Members. July 1 is celebrated as Doctor’s Day in memory of Birth and Death Anniversary of the Doyen of Medical Profession Dr Bidan Chandra Roy. His life time achievements are a source of great inspiration to one and all. He is a role model not only to the Doctors but to everyone who has faith in humanity. Leadership among masses is a rarity Doctors, and Dr BC Roy was a luminary.

Dr B C Roy’s contribution to Medical Profession and Indian Medical Association are immense. He was instrumental in starting IMA in the year 1928 and making it the largest professional organization in the country. He served the association in various capacities including National President for two term. Medical Council of India, the governing body of Allopathic medicine was his brain child and he was the first president in 1939, the position he held till 1945. He played a key role in establishing Indian Institute of Mental Health, Infectious Disease Hospital and first ever Postgraduate Medical College in Kolkata. He was a competent Physician and a able academician. After completing FRCS and MRCP he served as Professor of Medicine, Fellow of American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and Vice Chancellor of Calcutta University.

On the political front, he served as member of Bengal Legislative Council, Mayor of Calcutta. He became the first chief Minister of West Bengal in 1948 and held that position till his death on July 1, 1962. Apart being able to deal with the painful issue of rehabilitating the Bengal refugees he strived to hard for the socio economic development and industrial growth of West Bengal. Inspite of his political schedules, he continued to serve the Medical Profession by devoting one hour everyday for the cause of poor patients and the profession. He remained an bachelor and gifted his house to the people of Bengal in the year 1961.

The illustrious life and achievements of Dr BC Roy for the cause of Medical Profession, the Society and the Country bestowed him with Bharat Ratna in 1961. Recognizing his service the Government of India decalred July First as Doctor’s Day in India.

Let us all pledge ourselves to serve the Medical Profession and the Country in the golden path shown by Dr BC Roy.

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