Clinical trail of Carcincocin Pap Uterus 30 under the heading Nosode as direct prescription in cases of Cancer of Uterus

Clinical trail of Carcincocin Pap Uterus 30 under the heading Nosode as direct prescription in cases of Cancer of Uterus

Homeopathic Research Centre

Dear Homeopaths,

BY Meera Shangloo Homeopathic Research Centre 70/59 Rani Mandi Allahabad India 211003 Selene Homeopathics Tauranga New Zeland

My topic today is Clinical trail of Carcincocin Pap Uterus 30 under the heading Nosode as direct prescription in cases of Cancer of Uterus My lecture today will cover following points 1.What is Nosode? 2.The development of Nosodes? 3. Justification of use of Carcinocin Pap Utereus as Direct prescription in cases of Cancer of Uterus 4. Cinical Trail of Carcinocin Pap Uterus 30c? 5 Discription of Uterine Cancer its diagnosis, prognosis and allopathic treatment. 6. From where to get different Homeopathic Nosodes  according to my information? 8 One case presentation of regression of tumor of Cancer Uterus? 9 How it is different from crude isopathy? 10. Why the Nosodes as direct prescription in cases of Cancer was side lined in Homeopathy? 11. Clinical Materia Medica of Carcinocin Pap Uterus.

Other relevant questions which need to be Answered

1. Why Carcinocin of specific part is more effective in cases of cancer of specific part rather than general carcinocin which is available and is generally prepared from Breast cancer discharge. Because as we all know that Homeopathy is based on the law of similars. So, what happens is that once the carcinocin of Specific part is introduced to the patient of cancer of specific part it covers all the symptoms of the disease of the specific part as well as the miasm. So it is a smilimum. As we all know that in the pap of the Uterus taken from the cancer patient contatins all the factors which can cause the cancer of utereus Including its pathogen to the damaged cells of the Uterus. So, the pap of the cancer patient has the power to produce cancer in the other women if introduced.

2. Most of the time the nosodes are used in cancer treatment but they are used as an undercurrent remedy. But doing the reverse has shown much success as the symptoms of the cancer patient resembles the symptoms of other diseases or the common symptoms but if the medicine is prescribed on those symptoms the medicine does not show response but due to the domination of the disease force.

3. How to convince the patient to take homeopathic treatment. In most of the countries there are different laws which prevent the patient from taking homeopathic treatment. Even if the patient comes to a homeopath he does not want to leave his conventional treatment. Most of the patients come in the last stage to remove the side effects of radiation or chemotherapy. What we do at our research center is that we had hunted out for a number of patients whose two of the family members had suffered from Cancer. The first patient was under allopathic treatment and the other patient on either homeopathic treatment alone or a combination of the allopathic and the homeopathic treatment. We record the interview of those family member.In the interviews the patients relatives or attendants narrate that how painful was the end of the first relative on pure allopathic treatment and what were the differences in the comfort levels faced by the other relative on homoepathic treatment. Even if both had reached the same end. These interviews we show it to the general public in the cancer aware ness camps we organize for the patient and the general public.

4 Why to go for homeopathic treatment even after the removal?

Cancer from a homeopathic perspective must be seen as a disease and as a disturbance of the vital force and that something must have disturbed the vital force to lead to cancer. Homeopaths would thus often search for a cause in trying to find the appropriate remedy. For example physical trauma to the breast leading to cancer, also points to a specific remedy. Another cause would be a miasm, an underlying predisposition to illness. The problem is that for someone choosing surgery over homeopathic treatment is that the disease, the disturbance of the vital force, does not go away because the cancer is cut out. The cancer can recur elsewhere and can be more malignant when it does. This is not really explainable under current understanding of cancer. For example if a woman has had cancer in one breast, why should cancer then appear in the other breast, which unfortunately happens all too frequently. The academic model that cancer arises because of hits toĀ DNA, the genes, which somehow results in cancer, means that cancer has a certain probability of affecting a certain tissue, such as the breast, but why once the cancer is removed surgically, that cancer should show up in the other breast has no obvious explanation if everything is random hits to the genes, toĀ DNA. But in homeopathy, there is an explanation. The disease, the disturbance to the bodyā€™s vital force, is still present even after the diseased tissue is removed. The disease can then move to other tissue. The important thing to know about cancer and choosing whether to use homeopathy or not is that surgery will not remove the disease

The development of Nosodes The advent of Hahnemannā€™s theory of the miasms caused great interest in the chronic diseases and their anti-miasmatic remedies. One of the direct consequences of the publication of The Chronic Diseases was the development of the use of miasmic organisms as potentized homoeopathic remedies. The earliest experiments with nosodes were carried out by Constantine Hering 1827 and 1833. It seems that shortly after Hahnemann published his chronic disease theory, Hering performed the first proving of Psorinum on himself. Hering originated the method of using a miasmic agent as a basis for a remedy and it was he who coined the term ā€œnosodeā€. The Greek word Noso is a prefix which is added to give the idea of a disease indicating its morbid root. This term is also connected with the Latin word ā€œnoxaā€, the root of the term noxious or damaged. This implies the use of potentially dangerous noxious materials as a basis for a potentized remedy. The first generation of homeopaths who introduced the use of the nosodes were Hahnemann, Hering, Lux, Gross, and Stapf. Hering gathered a tremendous amount of first hand experience in proving and using nosodes and applying idem remedies to acute and chronic diseases in the field. The Homoeopathic Uses of the Nosodes Hering recognized the characteristics of the nosode family picture. And suggested nine different ways to use nososdes. These characteristics includes indications of the miasms concomitant to lack of vital reaction to well chosen remedies; constant changing of symptoms after administering remedies; fragmented pictures of several constitutional remedies and one-sided miasmic pathology with few characteristic symptoms.

So, the Nosode can be used as

  • Constitiutional Remedy
  • Where there is a Lack of Symptoms
  • When the partial picture of the Constitutional Remedy Manifest yet no one Remedy completey fits the case.
  • When the miasmatic Remedy obstructs the progress of a constitutional remedy
  • When Related to the Disease Genus

* When Well Chosen Remedies do not act, hold,or Just Change the symptoms

* Or the Never well Since Syndrome

Homeopathic Prophylaxis

* Auto Nosodes

Justification of use of Carcinocin Pap Utereus as Direct prescription in cases of Cancer of Uterus

Hering is responsible for greatly expanding the materia medica of homeopathy and adding seven (7) new categories of potentized remedies. Heringā€™s 7 uses of idem in Homoeopathy and item 2 ,3,4,6,7 go in favor of using nosode of specific part as direct prescription in cases of cancer

2. Idem 2 say The use of remedies made from miasmas (Nosodes). 3. Idem 3 says The introduction of potentized miasmas and morbid secretions taken directly from the patientā€™s body (Auto-nosodes). 4. Idem four says- The use of homologous organs, tissue and secretions (Sarcodes). 6. Idem six says ā€“ The use of chemical and nutritional elements innate to the human organism (Chemical and elemental relationships). 7. Iden Seven says ā€“ The use of potentized genus groups as curative and preventative remedies for individuals, groups, and habitats. Hering suggests potentized seed of weeds or dangerous plants to eradicate and destroy those plants and potentized insects or animals to remove and prevent infestations of dangerous species (Isodes). Ł­Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Homoeopathy, R.E. Dudgeon, BJain Publishers (P) Ltd, Lecture VI, Isopathy, pages 141-1 2. Hering continued to experiment with nosodes of acute and chronic miasms and invited others to conduct provings. He recommended the use of potentized watery excrements of cholera, the black vomit of yellow fever, the desquamated skin of malignant scarlet fever. Many ancient isopathic remedies were introduced into the Homoeopathic Materia Medica by dedicated homoeopaths of the 19th century. Constantine Hering, W. Gross, Wilhelm Lux, Father Collet, Swan and Burnett immediately come to mind. On December 24, 1835, Jolly of Constantinople reported to Hahnemann that Russian doctors had cured a number of cases of bubonic plague with a 30c nosode prepared from the serous exudation of plague buboes. Hahnemann was interested in the new nosode movement on the basis of these clinical experiences but he was concerned because most of these nosodes were not being proved. So in this way the revolutionary ideas contained within the 1828 edition of The Chronic Diseases changed the way people thought about contagious disease and stimulated the integration of nosodes into the homoeopathic pharmacopoeia

Hahnemann felt that the isopathy of Lux was in truth only part of a greater homeopathic principle because all the remedies were potentized to at least the 30c dynamization. If it was potentized energy how could one call it the same thing as the original diseased substance? Hahnemann thought that under these conditions: ā€œ&.it would not remain idem (the same) as it could only be useful to him in a potentized state, since crude itch substance which he had already in his body as an idem is without effect on him. But the dynamization or potentizing changes it and modifies itā€. In the light of Hahnemannā€™s logic the use of the miasmic material without potentization was crude isopathy, and as Lux himself was using homoeopathic potencies, his treatment was still within the realm of Homoeopathy. Vide The Chronic Diseases, the chapter called ā€œThe Medicinesā€. ā€œThus potentized and modified also, the itch substance (psorin) when taken is no more an idem (the same) with the crude original itch substance, but only a simillimum (thing most similar). For betweenĀ IDEMĀ andĀ SIMILLIMUMĀ there is no intermediate for any one that can think; or in other words between idem and simile only simillimum can be intermediate. Isopathic and aequale are equivocal expressions, which if they should signify anything reliable can only signify simillimum because they are not idem.ā€

4 Swam, who is given credit for introducing contemporary Medorrhinum and Syphilinum, was asked if it was correct to use unproven nosodes. He replied that 100ā€™s of years of suffering these genus diseases, and their complications, provided a ā€œnatural provingā€. This rather controversial answer does have some merit. It is obvious, however, that the most characteristic indications of the nosodes are those that have come out in provings or on patients under treatment. 5 In case of Cancer these ways of usage of Nosodes justify its use. Two things may happen after the introduction of the nosode. The nosode may move the case forward by removing the active symptoms. When this happens it is best to stay with the nosode as long as the improvement lasts. If this improvement ceases the remaining symptoms may be treated with the chronic remedy. If the patient does not show any improvement on the nosode after a sufficient amount of time, the chronic remedy should be introduced. Under these conditions the remedy often acts just as dramatically as it was given the first time. This effect has been witnessed by many experienced homoeopaths over and over again. The seventh way for using a nosode is when the remedy isĀ RELATEDĀ TOĀ THEĀ DISEASEĀ GENUS. An example of this method is Clarkā€™s use of Pertussin (Coqueluchinum) against whooping cough. Clark once wrote, ā€œI have found in this nosode a specific for a large proportion of cases of this disease. It should be given every four hours to begin with, and if it does not cut short the case in a few days, or materially modify its severity, another remedy may be chosen from the following.ā€ One can see from many of these indications that a good knowledge of the acute, half-acute and chronic miasms is very important in understanding the use of nosodes. As they are disease products knowledge of disease goes hand and hand with their usage. The study of the acute, half-acute and chronic miasms, and their action on the system of mass defense, is an important part of classical Homoeopathy. Some modern homoeopaths no longer pay any serious attention to the miasms and do not study the nine ways to use nosodes. Some are Neo-Kentian prescribers but they do not seem to understand that Kent studied the miasms and used nosodes in various ways depending on the circumstances. It seems at this time, however, the miasms are making a necessary come back as they are an integral part of homoeopathic pathology.

Why the Nosodes as direct prescription in cases of Cancer was side lined in Homeopathy? All this was going quite well until Lux decided that the healing law was not ā€œsimilars cure similarsā€ but ā€œsame cures sameā€. With this in mind he declared that ā€œidemā€ not ā€œsimilarsā€ was the key to the healing arts and coined the term Aqualia Aqualibus Curentur in place of Similia Similibus Curentur. This, of course, was exactly what Samuel Hahnemann was afraid would happen so he became quite defensive of Homoeopathy and critical of crude isopathy. Even before Luxs statements upset the climate of the research into the nosodes, Hahnemann felt that Psorinum should be proven more completely before being included in the materia medica section of The Chronic Diseases. In Hahnemannā€™s mind the idea of using unproved disease substances on patients just because they suffered from the same contagion was far too limited.

Clinical Trail of Carcinocin Pap Uterus 30 c on 100 patients of ā€“ Cancer of the Uterus Objective TO establish the positive role of Carcinocin Pap Uterus 30 c in diagnosed cases of Cancer of Uterus Method ā€“ Diagnosed cases of Cancer of Uterus were taken in which the cancer was either diagnosed in the ultrasound ,C.T scan or theĀ MRIĀ report. The size of the tumor was noted along with the intensity of pain and the amount bleeding. The medicine was given 2 drops 4 to 6times a day as required. According to the condition of the patient which was accessed by the bleeding and pain Why Cancer of Uterus was selected for the trail If endometrial cancer is detected early, nearly 90% of women who have it survive at least 5 years, and most are cured. The prognosis is better for women whose cancer has not spread beyond the uterus. If the cancer grows relatively slowly, the prognosis is also better. Fewer than one third of women who have this cancer die of it. Result Number of Patients Entered- 100 No of Patients who followed the protocol- 86 Number of Patients who improved were -78 Rate of Response to Carcinocin Pap Uterus is -90.69 % Cancer of the uterus begins in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) and is more precisely termed endometrial cancer (carcinoma). It is the most common gynecologic cancer and the fourth most common cancer among women. This cancer usually develops after menopause, most often in women aged 50 to 60. Risk factors for endometrial cancer include the following: ļ¾•” early menarche (the start of menstrual periods), menopause after age 52, or both ļ¾•” menstrual problems (such as excessive bleeding, spotting between menstrual periods, or long intervals without periods) ļ¾•” never having had children ļ¾•” tumors that produce estrogen ļ¾•” high doses of drugs that contain estrogen, and no progestron which are generally taken after menopause ļ¾•” use of tamoxifen ļ¾•” obesity ļ¾•” high blood pressure ļ¾•” diabetes ļ¾•” family history of cancer of the breast, ovaries, large intestine (colon), or lining of the uterus. Many of these conditions increase the risk of endometrial cancer because they result in a high level of estrogen but not progesterone. Estrogen promotes the growth of tissue and rapid cell division in the lining of the uterus (endometrium). Progesterone helps balance the effects of estrogen. Levels of estrogen are high during part of the menstrual cycle. Thus, having more menstrual periods during a lifetime may increase the risk of endometrial cancer.Ā NOLVADEXĀ , a drug used to treat breast cancer, blocks the effects of estrogen in the breast, but it has the same effects as estrogen in the uterus. Thus, this drug may increase the risk of endometrial cancer. Taking oral contraceptives that contain estrogen and no progesterone increase the risk of endometrial cancer. More than 80% of endometrial cancers are adenocarcinomas, which develop from gland cells. About 5% are sarcomas, which develop from connective tissue and tend to be more aggressive. Symptoms and Diagnosis Abnormal bleeding from the vagina is the most common early symptom. Abnormal bleeding includes bleeding after menopause or between menstrual periods and periods that are irregular, heavy, or longer than normal. One of three women with vaginal bleeding after menopause has endometrial cancer. Women who have vaginal bleeding after menopause should see a doctor promptly. A watery, blood-tinged discharge may also occur. Postmenopausal women may have a vaginal discharge for several weeks or months, followed by vaginal bleeding. If doctors suspect endometrial cancer or if Pap test results are abnormal, doctors perform an endometrial biopsy in their office. This test accurately detects endometrial cancer more than 90% of the time. If the diagnosis is still uncertain, doctors perform dilation and curettage [D and C ], in which tissue is scraped from the uterine lining. At the same time, doctors may view the interior of the uterus using a thin, flexible viewing tube inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus in a procedure called hysteroscopy. If endometrial cancer is diagnosed, some or all of the following procedures may be performed to determine whether the cancer has spread beyond the uterus: blood tests, liver function tests, a chest x-ray, and computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Other procedures are sometimes required. Staging is based on information obtained from these procedures. Hysterectomy, the surgical removal of the uterus, is the mainstay of treatment for women who have endometrial cancer. If the cancer has not spread beyond the uterus, removal of the uterus plus removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries (salpingo-oophorectomy) is done in allopathic mode of treatment. Nearby lymph nodes are usually removed at the same time. These tissues are examined by a pathologist to determine whether the cancer has spread and, if so, how far it has spread. With this information, doctors can determine whether additional treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a progestin) is needed after surgery. Chemotherapy may be given after surgery, even when the cancer does not appear to have spread, in case some undetected cancer cells remain. More than half of women with cancer limited to the uterus do not need radiation therapy. However, if the cancer has spread, radiation therapy is usually needed after surgery. A progestin is often effective. (Progestins are synthetic drugs similar to the hormone progesterone, which blocks the effects of estrogen on the uterus.) If the cancer has spread beyond the uterus, higher doses may be needed. Side effects may include mood changes and weight gain due to water retention. So, Homeopathy is a better option for that. We all know that according to homeopathy in a patient who has the cancer in the uterus. It is the image produced to the disturbance of the vital force. If the uterus is removed there are all changes that after a certain timeif may appear as a cancer growth in Ovary or in breast. Only it is the matter of time. Suppose the patient has the cancer of the uterus and all the uterus, ovary and the fallopian tube is removed. Then too if the homeopathic treatment is not given there are many chances that it may develop in the breast or any other part of the body because the cause which is the derangement of the vital force is not addressed. Many of the patients do not see the direct result because suppose the patints uterus is removed at a age of 60 years.Then the average life is 80 years. If the cancer is slow spreading type and if it has taken 20 years to develop in the uterus it will take another 20 years to develope in some other part. By the patient has died due to age.

Homeopathic Research Centre
70/59 Rani Mandi
Allahabd India 211003

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