Message Prediction of Preeclampsia. How good is the estimation of levels of calcium, magnesium and lactic dehydrogenase as biochemical markers?
Objective: This study was undertaken to develop a predictive markers for preeclampsia using serum levels of calcium, magnesium, and lactic dehydrogenase as biochemical markers and to predict the severity of pre eclampsia.
Study design: This was a prospective case control study conducted during 2000 to 2002 in a tertiary care maternity unit. Total of one hundred and forty seven women with mild (121) and severe (26) preeclampsia were studied and control arm comprised one hundred and forty seven normal pregnant women. Case patients with severe preeclampsia were compared with control subjects with respect to clinical data and multiple-marker screening test results.
Results: Serum levels of ionised calcium, magnesium were reduced in preeclampsia and high levels of lactic dehydrogenase (> 600 IU) closely correlated with severity of pre eclampsia. These markers were measured after the clinical diagnosis of pre eclampsia and gestational hypertension. The mean ᄆSD for each group was calculated and the difference between the means of the normotensive and the other groups were compared by analysis of variance. Significant differences from normal to the preeclamptic pregnancies were in lower ionised calcium (pd0.001), and lower serum magnesium (pd0.0001) in preeclamptic women compared to normal controls. Pearson’s rank correlation between blood pressure and severity of pre eclampsia showed a direct relation to high levels of serum lactic dehydrogenase level (pd0.01)
Conclusion: Gestational profiles of calcium, magnesium and lactic dehydrogenase were abnormal in the group with preeclampsia, and these markers may prove useful in the selective prediction of preeclampsia and its severity.
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- Geeta Krishnamurthy B. MRCOG, Asma Baluchi ( Lab Staff ) Khoula Hospital, Muscat, Oman. Contact: gee_venk(at)