Optometry – New Professional Education and Career
What is Optometry?
Ophthalmic Optics (popularly known as Optometry) is a science, which deals with the structure, function and working of the human eye and specially in relation to Visual, Optical symptoms and Refractive errors and their correction primarily by Optical aids.
Optometry is an independent discipline accepted academically as such by the pattern of education it follows in most countries of the world. World Council of Optometry defines an Optometrist as a primary eye care professional, institutionally educated and clinically trained to examine, diagnose and correct the refractive Optical errors of the Visual system by prescribing spectacles, Contact Lenses, Low Vision Aids and Vision therapy eye exercises to patients complaining of Visual symptoms.
The present scope of Optometric practice is far more than the historic determination of the refractive state of the eyes and the prescribing and dispensing of glasses. Today the practice of Optometry also includes the detection of ocular and related systemic diseases, the fitting of Contact Lenses and Low Vision Aids. It extends to public health-vision screening in school and industry – vision problems associated with driving and flying. It involves Optometric counseling of patients with partial sight and hereditary vision defects. Optometrists are concerned with vision care. Like physicians and dentists, Optometrists are primary eye care and health professionals.
Similar to the professional education in Pharmacy, which is required to run a chemist shop, a professional education in Ophthalmic Optics (Optometry) is necessary to efficiently manage any Optical trade including primary dispensing of spectacles. Like Physiotherapy and Orthopedics, Optometry works hand in hand with Ophthalmology in treatment of Visual disorders. An Optometrist has the following career opportunities
- Can start his/her own Eye Clinic, Optical Shop, Lens manufacturing unit, etc.
- Can work for eye testing, Contact lenses, squint exercises, etc. with Optician shops, eye doctors, Contact Lens and Ophthalmic lens industry, hospital eye departments, etc.
- Can get jobs with Optician shops and hospitals in gulf countries.
- Can do post graduation in Optometry and other related subjects.
- Can take up teaching Optometry as a career with schools of Optometry.
Need for Optometry? Relevancy, necessity & Scope
According to one of the estimates, India has the following number of professionals in the Eye Care field.
- Optical traders (Not Institutionally educated & qualified)25,000
- Optometrists (Institutionally educated & qualified) 5,000
- Ophthalmic Surgeons (Institutionally educated & qualified) 8,000
For a population of 980 crore, the ratio of qualified eye care professionals to patients with eye problems is very poor. Today the Optical trade needs at least 20,000 qualified Optometrists to man the dispensing Optical outlets.
Optometry in India
In India the first course in Optometry was started in 1962 at Aligarh, Sitapur & Delhi institutes attached to medical colleges. In 1978, the diploma course was upgraded to a three year Degree course as Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Ophthalmic techniques at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. In 1988 Elite school of Optometry, Shankara Nethralaya started a four year degree course in Optometry at Chennai. In Mumbai SNDT Polytechnique and Kamathipura Eye Hospital have been conducting three-year diploma courses in Optometry for more than a decade. Other places in India include Aligarh, Sitapur, Madras, Hydrabad, Indore, Calcutta, where two or three year Diploma course in Optometry, Refraction, Orthoptics, Ophthalmic techniques, are conducted.
Information regarding Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College School of Optometry AND Bachelor in Clinical Optometry COURSE
Hon. Chancellor, Dr. Patangarao Kadam established Bharati Vidyapeeth, the parent body of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, on 10th May 1964. The institutions of higher education of Bharati Vidyapeeth impart education and training to the students in several disciplines – Architecture, Arts, Science, Commerce, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Homeopathy, Ayurved, Management, Pharmacy, Nursing, Law, Social Sciences, Hotel Management, Finer arts, Environmental Sciences, Physical education and Journalism.
The Government of India through its Department of Human Resource Development, on the recommendation of University Grants Commission, New Delhi, has accorded the status of a Deemed University to a cluster of 12 Institutions of Bharati Vidyapeeth on April 26, 1996 their vide notification No. F-9-15 / 95-U.3. Accordingly, the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University has started functioning with effect from 10th May 1996.
Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College was started in year 1989. Today it is housed in a very spacious building and offers graduate and post graduate courses in Allopathy leading to M.B.B.S. and MD degrees, which are recognised by the Medical Council of India, and other organisations in U.K. as well as World Health Organisation. Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University also has a Dental college with BDS course, Homeopathy College with BHMS course, an Ayurved College with BAMS course, College of Nursing with B.Sc. Nursing course, and College of Pharmacy with B.Pharma courses. Their respective Councils have approved all these courses.
Established in July 1998, the School of Optometry has been constituted under the Faculty of General Surgery and is presently situated on top floor of Nursing College building, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College Campus, Katraj, Pune 411043.
The Academic council of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University is the final governing body of the School of Optometry in all matters. It supervises the overall functioning of the School of Optometry through Principal of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College.
The course: Bachelor in Clinical Optometry
The syllabus for the Bachelor of Clinical Optometry (B.Optom.) course aims at preparing an Optometrist who can practice independently. Admissions to the course will be at the level of 10 + 2 Science. The course will admit 20 students. The eligibility conditions for this is Std. XII with Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Mathematics subjects with minimum 50% marks.
This is a full time, total four-year course. The first 3 years teaching is followed by one year of internship for clinical and trade experience. The course lecture and practical timings are full day 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all weekdays. Students will be posted in Bharati Hospital Eye department, specialised Optical counters and Lens workshops associated for training by the University during the entire duration of the course.
The course has an integrated inter disciplinary content with relevant aspects of General Anatomy & Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology in the Basic Sciences and Physical, Geometrical, Dispensing, Visual and Optometric Optics in the Core courses. There will be practical training in Basic Science, Dispensing Optics and Clinical subjects. The University has tried to keep an excellent balance between basic preparation and clinical training so as to develop both professional judgment and scientific competence for the trained Optometrist.
In addition to Science, medical and Optometry topics, there are some special courses on communication and Public relation, which are intended to augment skills of the optometrist in patient management. The courses on Accountancy and Computer programming are intended to impart instructions in various aspects of modern practice management.
The forth and final year is of internship when the students are posted at various hospitals and specialty eye clinics and Optical establishments for clinical training and hands-on practice. Indian Optometric Association has approved the Bachelor of Clinical Optometry course and the BVDUMC School of Optometry.
World council of Optometry recommended syllabus, training and examination pattern is being adopted. The American, British and Australian educators have accepted it and the students may be readily admitted to those universities for higher educational program leading to a Masters and Doctorate. The same syllabus is followed by the developing countries also and has been implemented at most centers that have come up in recent times – even in countries of Africa the Middle East and the Asia Pacific region.
Given the scarcity of qualified Optometrists in our country there is a great demand of institutionally qualified Optometrist. Institutionally qualified Optometrists are well remunerated by optical establishments, ophthalmologists and Contact Lens clinics. With such a background students choosing Optometry as a career have a very bright future.
Aims and Objectives of the course
The Bachelor in Clinical Optometry course at BVDUMC School of Optometry follows all the recommendations of Indian Optometric Association and World Council of Optometry.
The experts keeping in view the following aims and objectives have designed this Degree course. The syllabus for the Bachelor of Clinical Optometry (B.Optom.) course aims at preparing a primary health care professional, an Optometrist who can independently undertake:
- Estimate refractive errors of the eye and prescribe corrective measures including Spectacles, Contact Lenses, Low Vision Aids and Vision Therapy.
- Detect pathological conditions of the Visual system, which are deviations from normal. Diagnose ocular and related systemic and neurological diseases and refer the cases to other medical professionals for detailed medical and surgical management.
- Design, manufacture, prescribe and fit all kinds of Optical aids including Spectacles, Sunglasses, Ophthalmic lenses, Contact Lenses, Low Vision aids, etc.
- Examine, diagnose and prescribe treatment for Oculo-motility malfunctions like phorias, tropias and other types of strabismus (squint) and Neuro-muscular anomalies.
- Undertake Public Health Optometry projects and vision screening eye camps in schools, colleges, urban slums, rural areas and also practice occupational Optometry in industries.
- Public education on ocular hygiene and related nutritional and environmental counseling.
- Offer a helping hand and or efficiently manage and successfully run any Ophthalmic clinic, Eye department in hospitals, Optician shops, Optical, Ophthalmic industry and trade.
Admission and entrance requirements
Total Admissions per year
Admissions to First year 20 Seats
Admissions directly to Third year course 10 Seats
Fifteen percent of the total seats are reserved for foreign students and Non Resident Indians (NRI’s). The management will fill up this quota separately. Students getting admission through this quota need to complete the minimum eligibility criteria but are not required to appear for Common Entrance Test (EYECET). They should contact the Director International Student Cell, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Pune 411030 for further information.
Course Fee Structure
Every candidate will have to pay all the tuition fees at the beginning of the academic year. If for any reason the candidate is not promoted to the next year and has to repeat the same year of the course, tuition fees will be charged as per the Bharati Vidyapeeth University rules. Presently the tuition fees applicable are as follows:
First, Second & Third Years B.Optom. Rs. 30,000/- Every year
Fourth year (Internship) No tuition fees.
Every student will have to pay the other fees and deposits as prescribed by Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University from time to time.
Eligibility criteria for admission to First Year
Every candidate should satisfy the following criteria at the minimum, to be able to appear for the EYECET examination and provisional admission to the First year B.Optom course.
- Successfully completed the Higher Secondary Examination (10+2 course) or it’s equivalent with minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology OR Mathematics and English, from a recognised board, is eligible for admission to the First year of the B.Optom course.
- The candidate should be over 17 yr. of age as on 31st Dec. of the year of the admission to the course. A student once enrolled for this course, will not be given transfer certificate, or cannot leave the course, unless he/she pays fees for the entire duration of the course.
Eligibility criteria for direct admission to Third Year
Every candidate should satisfy the following criteria at the minimum, to be able to appear for the EYECET examination and provisional admission directly to Third year B.Optom.
- Successfully completed a Diploma course of minimum two years duration [after Std. XII (Higher Secondary – HSC) with science subjects] in Optometry, Ophthalmic Techniques, Refraction, Orthoptics, Ophthalmic Assistance from an Institute recognised by Indian Optometric Association and Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University.
- Successfully completed a Diploma course of minimum three years duration [after Std. X (Secondary School Certificate SSC) in Ophthalmic Techniques from an Institute recognised by Indian Optometric Association and Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University. The candidate should have worked in an Ophthalmic clinic OR Optical establishment for a minimum period of one year after completion of the three years diploma course. He/she should produce a experience certificate from that Ophthalmic clinic or optical establishment giving details of work experience during that period.
- The candidate must have secured minimum 40% marks in all subjects of the final qualifying examination for the diploma course.
- The candidate should be over 19 years of age as on 31st Dec. of the year of the admission to the course.
Method of selection:
- Applications will be called for through advertisement in the leading dailies in the months of May, June & July every year. Applications must reach the Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Pune 411030 before the specified date.
- Candidates satisfying the eligibility requirement of the School of Optometry are asked to take a common entrance exam (EYECET) written test at Pune.
- For admissions to the First year, this entrance test consists of a single written paper with objective questions in Physics, Chemistry and Biology OR Mathematics. The details of the syllabus are given in the information brochure.
- For admissions to the Third year, the Entrance test (EYECET) consists of a single written paper with objective questions in Optometry subjects. The syllabus will be that of the first two years of B.Optom. course at BVDUMC School of Optometry.
- The merit lists of successful candidates for first and third year admissions will be put up on the notice board of BVDU Medical College. No candidate will be notified separately.
- These candidates will have to attend the Counselling interview at BVDUMC School of Optometry Office in Pune.
- Selected candidates and their parents/guardians will be required to sign and undertaking in the prescribed form before they are given provisional admission. The selected candidates should pay all the fees immediately for that academic year, details of which are given in the prospectus and information brochure.
Present Faculty Members:
- Dr. V.N. Karandikar – Principal, Medical College.
- Dr. Col. M. Deshpande – Ophthalmic Surgeon – Prof., Head of Ophthalmology
- Amod S Gogate – Optometrist In-Charge, School of Optom.
- Dr. Prakash Marathe – Ophthalmic Surgeon -Associate Professor
- Veshal Madan – Optometrist – Senior Lecturer
- Geetanjali Bhasin – Optometrist – Asst. Lecturer
- Nilesh Thite – Optometrist – Asst. Lecturer
- Dr. P. Gogate – Ophthalmic Surgeon – Visiting faculty
- Dipti A Gogate – Optometrist – Visiting faculty
- Ajit Limaye – Optometrist – Visiting faculty
- Yeshwant Saoji – Optometrist – Visiting faculty
- Kunda Ganatra – Optometrist – Visiting faculty
- Darshni Desai – Optometrist – Visiting faculty
- Nilesh Chavan – Optometrist – Visiting faculty
Timetable of events for admissions for the Year 1999-2000 O Detailed Prospectus & Application form will be available from May 2000
Personal collection by Cash Rs. 300/-
By post – by Demand draft of nationalised bank Rs. 350/- drawn in favour of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, payable at Pune.
Last date of submission of application forms
Without late fees before 30th June 2000.
With late fees before 7th July 2000.
Entrance exam (EYECET) will be conducted on Wednesday, 19th July 2000.
Counselling & on spot admission on Friday, 21st July 2000 at 10.00 a.m.
School of Optometry classes start in first week of August 2000.
Amod Gogate, Consulting Optometrist, Pune
Email: [email protected] for more details and clarifications, if any.For more details contact In-Charge, School of Optometry, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College, Top floor, Nursing College building, Dhankwadi, Pune 411043.
Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Bharati Bhawan, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Near Alka Cinema, Navi peth, Pune 411030.
Consulting Optometrist, Pune