Revised Guidelines for testing of persons with flu like symptoms reporting at hospitals notified for influenza H1N1
Revised Guidelines for testing of persons with flu like symptoms reporting at hospitals notified for influenza H1N1 So far, the present guidelines stipulate that a person suspected of influenza A H1N1 need to be referred to an identified govt. health facility. He/she needs to be kept in an isolation facility in that hospital and if […]
There have been some cases of Influenza A H1N1 virus among students and staff in certain schools, primarily in Delhi and Maharashtra. There has been considerable speculation over the need for closure of schools to control the outbreak. This matter has been considered by the Joint Monitoring Group in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. All […]
Clinical management Protocol and Infection Control Guidelines
Swine Flu Directorate General of Health Services Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India Swine Influenza Clinical Management Protocol 1. Introduction As on 30.04.09, 148 laboratory confirmed human cases of Swine influenza A (H1N1) has been reported from nine countries with 8 deaths. ( Mexico [26 cases, 7 deaths], USA [91 cases, one death], Canada […]
Beat the Recession
Beat the Recession As recession carries on, more and more healthcare providers are becoming cautious and concerned. Only very few have figured out ways to keep the revenue streams running by innovating and thinking out of the box. In case you need some quick tips to earn that extra bit of money, read on. Learn […]
Deception as a Strategy Tool
‘DECEPTION’ AS A STRATEGY TOOL Being predictable is not a very good strategic option. At least when it comes to outsmarting your competitors, you have to bring in an element of surprise. In business, as in sports and war, deception is a key ingredient. It is all about leaving them guessing. Get them to play ‘catch up’ […]
Healthcare Brand Diagnostic
Hi, Welcome to Marketing Mantras, your FREE monthly update on the latest in Healthcare Marketing. Wish you all a very prosperous 2009. Let us begin this year by taking a stock of your Brand. The very new Healthcare Brand Diagnostic is now available to gauge the current strength and potential of your brand. What’s more? You can do a […]
A Case Study on Medical Tourism in Hyderabad City
Introduction Definition of Medical Tourism Medical tourism can be broadly defined as provision of ‘cost effective’ private medical care in collaboration with the tourism industry for patients needing surgical and other forms of specialized treatment. This process is being facilitated by the corporate sector involved in medical care as well as the tourism industry – […]
Gold Medals in Healthcare Industry
With medals for India in the Olympics, the cynics are quiet. The achievements are being considered as India’s first step towards being a better sporting nation. Excellence in business, as in sports, depends upon many common factors. Having been a full time sportsperson for almost a decade, I can see many similarities as far as […]
Cancer Screening In Women
Cancer is largely a preventable illness. Two-thirds of cancer deaths in the U.S. can be linked to tobacco use, poor diet, obesity, and lack of exercise. All of these factors can be modified. Nevertheless, an awareness of the opportunity to prevent cancer through changes in lifestyle is still under-appreciated. The chance of an individual developing […]
Pregnancy and Insomnia
Pregnancy and the growth of the child are nothing short of a miracle. Just two cells multiply into trillions of cells and form body parts and organs. There are billions of biochemical processes that have to be just right. To support this creation, female hormones are increased and reduced in production. This causes some problems […]
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